About The FaceWork Group

The Facework Group is a Social Enterprise that equips people to face the changing world of work through skills training and by developing affordable and supportive workspaces where communities can learn, share and work together.
We are committed to working with those who are furthest from the labour market and strive to co-design new programmes which enable people to navigate the ever-changing landscape of work with confidence and ingenuity.
Facework's vision
A world where everyone can find meaningful work that aligns with their skills, values, and potential.
By ‘work’, we mean any meaningful activity that provides an individual with an active purpose and that enables that individual to earn a living as a result. This may mean ‘employment’ in the traditional sense – being employed by someone else on a full-time basis; or it may mean self-employment; it may encompass a portfolio approach, where working/learning/volunteering/etc are blended; and it may mean work that is socially driven. Above all we want to help young people to find work and training opportunities which match their skills, their character, values and potential.
Facework's Values
1) Everyone is a learner
We want to treat members of our workspaces, or participants on our programmes not as consumers of training programmes, but content creators and agents of change. By training those with lived -experience to lead in the design and delivery of employability training and enterprise 'hubs,' we help them create authentic and impactful resources and support our participants to be advocates for their peers. We want at all times to value and prioritise reciprocal learning and sharing.
2) People-centered
In all we do we want to respect what individuals bring to the learning and seek to offer holistic support which is authentic. This includes ensuring that new programmes are relevant and truly local and not imposed from afar. If we have the opportunity of replicating our work or designing new programmes, we will ensure that the work is driven and led from those best placed to know what will work and what can have the greatest impact.
3) Authenticity and Honesty
We know that there are lots of employability programmes and schemes of work. We want to learn from these but equally believe that ‘one size does not fit all’ and therefore want to ensure that the resources we produce are built on authentic experiences and are shaped by the local need and experience.
4) Committed to quality
We believe ‘Excellence attracts attention’ and want to ensure that everything we produce or run is of the highest quality. As an organisation which is public facing (retail) as well as strategic (wholesale) we want to have the highest levels of customer care and working in close partnerships. To that end we will evaluate our impact and learn from our mistakes.
5) Innovation
We believe that careers guidance and programmes of employability training are not well funded or prioritised. We want to constantly ask, What radical interventions will make a difference? To that end we will work closely with those with lived experience as well as embrace new online learning and mobile resources to expand our capacity and influence and reach wider audiences.
Download an overview of our values, our approach to learning, and the way we run our projects.
Meet the FaceWork Team
Directors, Staff and Volunteers
Facework is privileged to have wonderful team of staff and volunteers - including 4 non-executive Directors of the company who work as volunteers to support Stephen and the staff team as critical friends and guardians of our CIC status. They are committed to ensuring that Facework has excellent governance and 'best in class' services, as well as ensure that we are putting our values into action.
UK Advisory Board
Facework is grateful to the following members who volunteer as advisors in the UK

Liane Hambly
Careers & Education

James Kinnersly
Planning & Development

Greg Bargeton

Matt Overd
Youth & Humanitarian

Jim Playfoot
International Employability

Tim Mungeam
Non-profit &
Social Purpose

Claire Bailey

Scott Bailey
Property expert
Good Governance
Facework is registered with the CIC regulator and is listed on the UK Companies House
(number 15423259)
We take the matter of good governance, transparency and professionalism extremely seriously.
Our 5 Company Directors meet regularly and in addition we are grateful to a further 11 individuals who act as advisors on key areas of our work and development.
The group meet with staff on a quarterly basis and individuals work with Stephen on key issues linked to their expertise between meetings.
Please note - that during the period May 2020-December 2023 Facework was constituted as a CIC by Shares. It transferred to a CIC by guarantee in January 2024 as it was felt that the Guarantee status gave funders greater confidence in the asset lock and public interest. Accounts since 2022 can be found on Companies House company number 12598896
India Advisory Board

Facework is grateful to the following members who volunteer as advisors in India

Orlanda Ruthven
International Development
Moa Longkumer
Social Entrepreneur

Anupriya Khare
Training & Youth Development