The Facework Teacher's Resources are freely available for you to download and use in training young people to gain valuable workplace skills. The images we have used are either of the young people we have worked with (informed consent and permissions for use of photos) or purchased images with copyright clearance.
We'd love to get your feedback on what works in teaching young people about employment skills. let us know via info@face.work.
The Facework Soft-Skills curriculum is built around 25 Employment Intelligences which are structured around STEPS.
You can start supporting a young person by downloading the STEPS card and get them to scale themselves and/or think of other skills which aren't taught in school. This always starts the conversation!

" We have been using Face Work resources with our SEND Sixth-form learners in Hartlepool. It is a wonderful relevant resource that engages our learners and teaches them everyday skills that help them prepare for adulthood and become responsible caring citizens"
Jaki Stephenson (Sixth-form teacher) Catcote School , Hartlepool UK
Posters to inspire young people