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From Volunteering to a Paid Job

Volunteer work can become the first step towards desired employment. This is why we dedicated a separate session of our training to this topic.

One in three UK residents is actively involved in volunteering, and almost all employers pay attention to whether a job candidate has listed volunteering experience on their resume. It's not only about reputation bonuses when lacking formal work experience in a new country, but also about a potential employee’s ability to work in a team, communicate, and build relationships in an English-speaking environment. Specifically, experienced volunteer Taina Zavora shared from her personal experience the benefits of volunteering, including:

  • employment recommendations

  • the opportunity to improve and acquire new skills

  • access to training and professional development courses

  • meeting new people and realizing personal ideas

  • gaining practical experience in the UK.

Natali Dzhabieva, Education Welcome Project Officer at Refugee Education UK (REUK), and Lena Salomon, Ukrainian Project Coordinator at HealthProm, also joined the presentation and shared their volunteering experiences. They talked about what motivates them to help others and share their skills and knowledge.

The active desire of Ukrainians to volunteer opens new opportunities for them. Taina Zavora also shared information on how to write grant applications for project implementation. You can find more on our website.





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