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RESTART Ukraine Programme for Ukrainian Women Entrepreneurs

RESTART Ukraine programme invites you to become part of a supportive community of Ukrainian women entrepreneurs and helps you achieve your business goals:

Ukrainian Women Entrepreneurs whatever stage your business or idea is, we have learning, mentoring and support for you.

Restart Ukraine's ultimate aim is to help build an economy in waiting that empowers women entrepreneurs to establish thriving businesses, regardless of their location.

Restart Ukraine has 3 programmes available:

1. Ideas stage 🌱 – 6 weeks

2. Early stage 🌿 – 8 weeks

3. Scale-up 🌳 – 8 weeks

Restart Ukraine will offer support from one of team of professional business mentors and partner organisations. These mentors are very experienced in their subject and also in mentoring and coaching and will provide 1:1 support to enhance your training.

The areas of support mentors cover include:

  • Help with setting business goals and planning

  • Marketing and branding

  • Financial planning

  • Finding investment

  • Legal services

  • IT & Digital skills

  • Leadership

  • Export

If there are other areas where you need support, such as personal stress management or advice on housing or education, GEN UK can also provide help in these areas.

Deadline - 23 May 2023 00:00 (BST).

Програма Restart Ukraine для Українських жінок у Великобританіїб що планують або мають власний бізнес. Буде надано підтримку у питаннях експорту, юридичних питаннях, фінансового планування, тощо.


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Facework Group Social Enterprise CIC

(Community Interest Company)

Registered in the UK company number 15423259 

©2020-2024 Facework Group CIC

Facework Group Social Enterprise CIC

Hatcham House,

367 Queens Road London SE14 5HD

Telephone number 020 8050 3938

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