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UK Education: Learn and Earn

A Recap of Expert Insights and Resources from Our Session with Refugee Education UK

On 10th October, we had a fantastic session with consultants from Refugee Education UK - Education Welcome Project Officer Natali Dzhabieva and Welcome Team Project Manager Niwaeli Boer.

If you’re thinking about continuing your education in the UK and feel a bit confused by all the conflicting advice out there, this session was just what you needed! The experts gave us some really useful tips and provided an independent perspective on studying in the UK.

Here’s What We Covered:

  1. How the UK Education System Works:

    • The consultants broke down the different levels of education available in the UK, making it much clearer to understand your options and where you might fit in.

  2. College Qualifications:

    • We explored the different qualifications offered by colleges, and the consultants gave practical advice on how to choose the right course based on your career goals.

  3. University Applications:

    • They explained the university application process in detail, from what’s required to how you can make your application stand out. It’s much less daunting when you know the steps!

  4. Internships:

    • Internships were another key topic. We learned how to find internships that provide both practical experience and qualifications, a great way to gain valuable skills while working.

Natali Dzhabieva also shared some brilliant resources to help you explore education options further.

Be sure to check out these resources when you get a chance—they’ll be really helpful as you plan your next steps in education.

Here’s what they provided:


1. Документ study resources - ресурси для навчання на різних рівнях - від початкової школи до академічної мови.

  1. Ґрантова пошукова система

  2. ENIC - надання британської кваліфікації українським дипломам

4. Пошук та рейтинг вищих навчальних закладів, які найкращі у тому чи іншому напрямку

5. Приватна стипендія (є критерії на вищу освіту та на курси) яка не прив'язана до міграційного статусу - 

6. Перелік кваліфікацій, на яку можуть розглянути варіант надати кредит (якщо у вас освіта вже є), нагадаю, що курси на Level 4, 5 такі, як:

  • a Certificate of Higher Education

  • a Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE)

  • a Higher National Certificate (HNC)

  • a Higher National Diploma (HND)

  • an Initial Teacher Training course

  • a level 4 or 5 course with Higher Technical Qualification approval

теж фінансуються через student finance

Студентське кредитування -- Find more about Student Finance you can here

Позика на бакалаврат --

Позика на магістратуру --


7. Apprenticeships (учнівство, стажування)



If you have any questions or need more support, feel free to get in touch. And don’t forget to stay tuned for future sessions!


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